Ethan Gilsdorf Ethan Gilsdorf

Plastic Water Bottle: Origin Story

An essay in Witness magazine. An excerpt: “This morning, flattened like roadkill in front of my house, post-trash and recycling pickup day, its plastic sleeve displaying the logo and “best by” and “bottled on” date long since stripped and taken by the wind, the 8 a.m. sunshine catching one of its crumpled diamond facets refracting the light back to me, not unbeautiful for a Monday.”

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Ethan Gilsdorf Ethan Gilsdorf

Q&A with a Dungeon Master

WBUR interviewed me about my lifelong interest in D&D, and why D&D still matters:
”For me, the win is if we've had a really fun time together. We've amused ourselves, we've had some emotional, exciting moments. Along the way, we’ve made these little sparks of connection. We've done something that has stakes and has meaning. Those are D&D’s wins. Your goal is to work together to solve a problem, not defeat each other — a totally different game experience. We've had some laughs, we've told a really interesting story. That’s a pretty great metaphor for life, too.” Read the interview here.

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Ethan Gilsdorf Ethan Gilsdorf

My Super 8 movie hits D&D Direct

D&D Direct is the annual video marketing blitz for new D&D merch roll-out. This 50th anniversary year, the livestream used clips from my Super 8 movie of my 1981 D&D session in its opening few minutes. Does this mean I hit the big time, Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast?

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Ethan Gilsdorf Ethan Gilsdorf

“The Power of the Sandwich: Story Containers Beyond Chronology”

In this craft essay on the Brevity Blog, “The Power of the Sandwich: Story Containers Beyond Chronology” I explore narrative story “containers” including the “non-chronological sandwich,” because I really like sandwiches, and others structures that are just as tasty. Join me for a CRAFT TALKS webinar,  Contain Your Narrative: Five Time-Tested Structures Nonfiction Writers Need to Know, August 1 at 2PM Eastern ($25) and learn five time-tested ways to arrange your story for maximum power.

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