Come study the essay with me



I'll be leading GrubStreet's 2019-2020 Essay Incubator program.

Over 8 months (Sept-April), you'll take a deep dive into essay craft and tradition, work on 3 to 5 essays inthe company of other serious essayists, and workshop and revise three of them in preparation for publication. I'll invite guest writers and editors into the classroom to share their secrets, and you'll get a professional look at your work at Grub's Muse and the Marketplace conference. Among other cool things. You can read more details here. (Note: fellowships are available.)

I'll be holding a Free Open House and Info Session on Thursday, June 27th at 6pm at GrubStreet in Boston (sign-up in advance here, if you think you can make it). The open house will be a chance for you to ask any questions you may have about the Incubator re: the workload; application process; schedule; my teaching philosophy, or anything else. Perhaps most importantly, it's a chance to find out if the program is right for you. Drinks and snacks provided!

You can apply whether or not you attend the open house. In either case, let me know if you have questions.


Ethan Gilsdorf
writer | teacher | critic | nerd
ethan [at] | | @ethanfreak | YouTube



Me, the New York Times and D&D


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